Would you like to move ahead and sell some of your items ? Or even to open your own store? It's possible thanks to yourfootballshirt. Here are all the answers to questions about the sale of objects.

  • You must register on the website (free) and check your email.
  • In the “My ACCOUNT” section of the main menu, select “BECOME SELLER” at the bottom of the screen
  • Follow the setup process and make sure to mention your name, first name, address, email at first. In a second step your payment preferences will be requested (Paypal or Stripe) and finally some other administrative or customization details.
  • Once the registration has been completed, wait for the approval of the administrator, which will be effective within a few minutes.
  • Once validated, you will have access to your administrative space in “MY ACCOUNT” under the “Store Manager” mention
  • In order to obtain certified seller status, we encourage you to submit an identity check through the option available in the “store manager” menu. The address and scan of official identity document will be forwarded to the Yourfootballshirt team for verification. If validated, your products will carry a green “verified” badge for each publication.

The payment system set up by Yourfootballshirt emphasizes the protection of both parties, customers and buyers.

Thus, the payment flow will be done first between the buyer and Yourfootballshirt at the time of the validation of the order.

The money from the sale will be “hosted” by Yourfootballshirt until the order is sent by the seller, and received by the customer.

When the seller feels that his part of the work has been done (acceptance of the order, shipping, receipt of the item by the customer), he will be able to request payment or “withdrawal” of the sum owed to Yourfootballshirt.

All this is available in the private sales interface “Shop Manager” under the “Payments” tab.

The list of transactions eligible for a payment request will then be automatically displayed by the system

Yourfootballshirt is not a business selling products, but only connecting a seller and a buyer.

It is Yourfootballshirt’s responsibility to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the transaction before making a payment.

Of course, in the event that the buyer does not confirm receipt of his item but the seller has proof of shipment that the item was delivered /received by the buyer, then the payment will be made immediately by YourfootballShirt.

After you purchase a customer from your store, you will receive an email and a notification in your personal space informing the precise details of the order. Recipient, delivery address, price paid… Everything will be available.

All you have to do is send the item.

Once this is done, you will need to enter/update the status of the order in question in your “My Account” and then “store manager” space, and then the “commands” tab.

Once the delivery information is entered, you will be able to place the status of the order to “Shipped”.

The rest is simple:

  • Either the buyer confirms the good reception of his order in his personal space
  • Either the seller changes the status of the order from “Shipped” to “Finished” in his personal space “Shop Manager”.
  • From this moment on, the seller can request the “payment” of his money owed from Yourfootballshirt directly via the “Payment” menu of the “Shop Manager” space in “My Account”.
  • Yourfootballshirt will then ensure that the item is received correctly and ask for additional evidence from either party if necessary.

Yourfootballshirt is not yet connected with La Poste or Mondial Relay or any specific local shipping company This means that the mailing system is defined by “geographic area” or country. These options are available to each > seller in their “My Shop Manager Account” space.

The seller is therefore responsible for the shipment. The seller is strongly advised to make his shipments in the “Tracking available” option in order to have a follow-up number to pass on to the buyer when shipping. It is possible to transmit the website and tracking number when making the order to “SHIPPED” > status in the “My Orders Store Manager Account” > space.

At the time of registration as a seller, it is important for the seller to mention:

  • The standard processing time for each order (this time will be displayed next to each product worn by that seller on the Yourfootballshirt marketplace). Whether it is 1 -3 days, 3 – 5 days, or 6 to 8 weeks, this should be mentioned in order to prepare the buyer for the minimum delivery time expected.
  • Finally, Yourfootballshirt has chosen to favour a single type of shipping available at the lump sum per Country. By default, a price of 4 euros is active in your sales space. This figure of 4 euros can be changed at your leisure, or even with an additional price per quantity or by number of products ordered from your shop. You will also have access to the default rates of other geographical areas offered by Youtfootballshirt that you can also change as you wish.

It is very simple to add products:

“My > Shop Manager > > Account Products Add”

You can add a title, price, gallery photo, additional photos, stock management (specify the number of items available).

The “attributes” of the product (size/origin/global condition) as well as their categories (Club? Nation? Club name or nation?) are also available.

In order to avoid doubts, attempts to scam or other inconveniences, the Yourfootballshirt team has made it mandatory to enter the following information when putting a new product online:

  • Sale price
  • Stock management / quantity available
  • Main photo
  • Extra photos
  • “Size” attribute
  • Product “origin” attribute
  • “Product condition or condition” attribute.

These attributes are made mandatory because they allow buyers to know the integrity of a product from the outset (see Articles section of this FAQ).

An object that is falsely described or whose description lacks precision will potentially be deleted by Yourfootballshirt.

Unlike large platforms known to sell goods by individuals, Yourfootballshirt charges only a small amount to cover operating costs:

  • The commission is in the form of a percentage of 5 % of the total selling price of the item

These commissions are calculated excluding the cost of shipping.

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